📌 Ardeth Bay - Leadership is an Infinite Game
My definition of a true leadership - A chieftain and A book
706 words
4 minutes
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Leibniz's Theodicy
Leibnizian idea of perfectibility made Germany so proliferate at contributing genius to the world (Book, The German Genius). His Philosophy guided German to constantly push themselves to the endless next levels of human perfection. I believe this notion of perfectionism largely contributed to the unbelievable Geramn warfare technologies during World War II, such as Tiger and KingTiger
521 words
3 minutes
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Docker cAdvisor
Overseeing resource consumption of all Docker containers on a VM
138 words
1 minutes
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Studying the Science of Project Management
Projects are temporary endeavors to create a unique product or service. All projects must have an end date.
1749 words
9 minutes
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Humanistic Psychology
In order for individuals to thrive and excel, a health-fostering culture must be created.
1404 words
7 minutes
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Leadership Lessons from "Greyhound"
Leadership is about genuinely loving something big beyond leader's work with a sense of perfectionism
113 words
1 minutes
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359 words
2 minutes
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How Great Leaders Inspire Action
Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership -- starting with a golden circle and the question: "Why?" His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Wright brothers ...
3558 words
18 minutes
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