📌 Ardeth Bay - Leadership is an Infinite Game
My definition of a true leadership - A chieftain and A book
1103 words
6 minutes
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Reading Notes - The Mythical Man-Month
The art of managing a software dev team
448 words
2 minutes
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Humanistic Psychology
In order for individuals to thrive and excel, a health-fostering culture must be created.
2436 words
12 minutes
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Lese-Notizen die „Kritik der reinen Vernunft“
A Masterpiece of Idealism of Anti-Idealism - Transcendental Idealism
449 words
2 minutes
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I don't believe in any religion, but the notion of Buddhism's idea of Karma, i.e. cause and effect, seems to prevail in many aspects of our lives and works, which is why I was drawn upon this topic of "Causality"
1101 words
6 minutes
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ἀναγινώσκειν σημειώσεις Πλάτων Πολιτεία
1102 words
6 minutes
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ἀναγινώσκειν σημειώσεις Ἀριστοτέλους Κατηγοριῶν
18 words
1 minutes
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Leibniz's Theodicy
Leibnizian idea of perfectibility made Germany so proliferate at contributing genius to the world (Book, The German Genius). His Philosophy guided German to constantly push themselves to the endless next levels of human perfection. I believe this notion of perfectionism largely contributed to the unbelievable Geramn warfare technologies during World War II, such as Tiger and KingTiger
521 words
3 minutes
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